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Offline diár v 2024?! Tu je 5 dôvodov prečo ho stále používať

Offline diary in 2024?! Here are 5 reasons to keep using it

Offline diár v 2024?! Tu je 5 dôvodov prečo ho stále používať

Offline diary in 2024?! Here are 5 reasons to keep using it

This is how we did something unprecedented a year ago. We made the Journal available completely free of charge. That is, its online version, which was downloaded by 2287 of you. It looks l...

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Inovátorka z ČSOB: Viem, že Žurnály pre zamestnancov boli správny krok

Innovator from ČSOB: I know that Journals for employees was the right step

There are people who cannot imagine a year without the Journal. And some even like the Journal so much that they order not one, but hundreds. We are talking about people from companies who decide ...

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Neplánovali sme to, ale prehovorili ste nás. Predstavujeme ti 4. vydanie našej knižnej prvotiny.

We didn't plan it, but you talked us into it. We present to you the 4th edition of our first book.

We were pleasantly surprised by the huge interest in our first book 🏔️ TAM HORE. And when we announced after the sale of the last issue that we were not planning any more, we were flooded with...

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Predstavujeme ti novú definíciu 🔻Žurnálu

We present you a new definition of 🔻Journal

As you probably know, we are working on several projects. And we've noticed for some time that many of you are a bit confused by this: "What is madebythe:? What is a Journal? Are you a publi...

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ŽURNÁL OSLAVUJE 7 ROKOV: Pomôž nám začať novú éru

THE MAGAZINE CELEBRATES 7 YEARS: Help us start a new era

The most awaited day for every Journalist is here. We're happy, we're nervous, and we're wondering what you have to say. We have prepared a number of novelties that will make journaling even...

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Začíname písať novú kapitolu. Ostáva už len 24 hodín

We are starting to write a new chapter. Only 24 hours left

Today it will be a smaller memory :) Our journey began on October 24, 2016 in the Skøg cafe in Brno. We wanted to create an honest product that would solve our own problems. Well, we ha...

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Zásadné vyhlásenie: Odchádzame do 🇨🇿

Important statement: We are leaving for 🇨🇿

Don't worry, we didn't decide to emigrate because of concerns about the outcome of the elections in Slovakia. We are coming to the Czech Republic with the Book of Untold Stories of Tatra Huts:...

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Vypredali sme všetky Žurnály. Tak ti ich dávame zadarmo

We have sold out all Journals. So we give them to you for free

That's right, you won't find any Yearbook, Yearbook Plus or Half Yearbook on our website anymore. Yes, there are still undated versions. But they are not for everyone. However, since we believ...

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5 vychytávok Žurnálu, ktoré možno prehliadaš

5 features of the Journal that you might be overlooking

You can often hear from us about the Žurnál method or the practical page layout that diaries are proud of. However, they also hide many inconspicuous gadgets that you may have missed until now. ...

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Ako si vybrať ten správny diár?

How to choose the right diary?

At the beginning of our journey there was a dated diary. Today you have several to choose from, so we completely understand if you can't decide which one is right for you. It is even more diffic...

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