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What is our north star metric?

Help people 100,000 times

Why are we enterpreneurs?

We want to make life better here

Our mission is to help people use their full potential. Activate them to help communities and non-profit projects. And change their point of view.

How do we do it?

We are based on strong values

First of all, we are building a healthy company. Honesty, craftsmanship, sustainability, responsibility towards nature, future generations and ourselves are rooted in our DNA. We try to lead by example. In products and responsible growth. We only make products that help.


We are not looking for excuses. We acknowledge and communicate every mistake. In production, we rely on the best production processes and responsibly sourced materials.


We believe in traditional craftsmanship. We do not skimp on materials and care about every detail. We produce products locally and pay attention to fair remuneration for our suppliers.


In production, we use certified ecological materials that are environmentally friendly. We do not throw away the remaining material. We transform it into other products.

Contant Learning

Every decision means a new lesson for us. We are open to feedback and do not resist criticism. Because it moves us, our products and the whole community.


We take things in stride. We are not afraid to talk openly about our successes and failures. And to raise awareness where it is necessary.

What are we?

Slow publishing house. We capture and support future-worthy ideas

We publish notebooks, planners, and books that will help you slow down and focus on what's important. They will allow you to capture thoughts worthy of the future. Plan the steps that will lead you to it. And find inspiration when you need it.

Planners, notebooks and workbooks

They help to sort and develop thoughts and ideas

Coffee-table books

They spread stories worth recording

Project support

We are thus contributing to a better and more valuable Slovakia.

This is our manifesto

WE DO NOT USE EXCUSES. We accept full responsibility

WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR SHORTCUTS. Prefer long-term beneficial solutions for all parties.

WE DO NOT PUSH FOR PROFIT. Money is a higher quality tool. Not enrichment.

WE APPRECIATE HONEST CRAFTSMANSHIP. We use local producers and pay them fairly.

WE THINK OF THE PLANET. We use local raw materials and ecological materials without plastics.

WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF COMMUNITIES. Especially ours. And we are often inspired by you.