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022: Robber's hut - Adrián Macho

Sale price41 €

We have sold out of Poustr Zbojky on the e-shop. You can find the last pieces directly at the cottage. Don't forget your cash and greetings from us, the cottage lady.

Veľká Studená dolina was a frequent target of poachers in the 19th century. Maybe that's why the stone cottage from 1907 is named after the local "bandits."

The popular Zbojnícka hut unfortunately burned down in 1998, but thanks to the efforts of many, it was managed to be built and restored within 3 years.

A big thank you to all of them, including the porters who supply the legendary Zbojka year-round.


As is our custom, by buying Poustra you are helping a good cause. This time, we decided to donate 4 euros from each sold piece from the 6th collection directly to the Nosičský dom charity organization. To support their museum and the registration of the porter craft in the UNESCO world heritage. 

And on the back of each Poustra you will find a QR code with a hiking route from Hikemates, the digital section of the Slovak Tourist Club. Thanks to them, you can also go on a real hike.


Graphic author: Adrián Macho

Print run: 214 limited edition, where each piece has its number marked on the back. There will be no reprint.

Printing technique: screen printing. Each piece is original.

Date of printing: 08/2020

Format: A3 (420 mm x 297 mm)

Paper: Woodstock weight 225g with 80% recycled fibers and 20% pure pulp fibers without elemental chlorine and an interesting structure. FSC of course. It does not shrink, the color does not fade for at least 50 years. Supplier: Fedrigoni.

Packaging: In a cardboard box. The frame with the passpart is not part of the package.

Upcycling program: Don't have anything to do with the box? Carefully unpack the Poustr and bring it to us at the next event and we will use it again. As a reward, you will receive one of the sold-out prints in reduced A5 format. And that's completely free. Follow our social networks for more info.

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Vsetko super, tak ako vzdy. Nadherny plagat :-)

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4 hlasy zo 4 u nas doma.
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krásna praca

práca je veľmi pekná
úž len naštartovať vrtačku a zavesiť


Max spokojny ako s produktom / postrom samotnym, ale zaroven aj s pristupom chalanov z theZurnal. Vsetkym odporucam 😉