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Salaš pod Suchým – Nikoleta Gajarová

Sale price41 €

You can buy this Poustr as one of the rewards in our Startlab campaign . We thank you that with your help we will bring a new experience to Slovak shelters.

Perhaps the most famous shelter, which is located on the ridge of Veľká Fatra. Anyone who has visited it knows that it is easily recognizable thanks to its distinctive green roof and deer trophy on the front gable, like on Poustra by Nikoleta Gajarová.

The most beautiful experiences are offered in the summer months, when you will meet groups of tourists with whom you will surely become friends quickly.


By selling our Poustrov, we have so far collected more than €23,000 for OZ We are the forest, OZ Nosičský dom, Klub slovenské turistov, LZ VLK, OZ Pre Dolinu and SHS JAMES. We continue on.

Together with Hikemates, we are changing the approach to the construction of tourist shelters . Sparingly, with as little negative impact on the environment as possible. And with regard to our history and traditions. We are glad that with your help we will create new spaces for the connection of man with nature. Available to all.


Graphic author: Nikoleta Gajarová

Print run: 210 limited edition, where each piece has its number marked on the back. There will be no reprint.

Printing technique: screen printing. Each piece is original.

Date of printing: 02/2021

Format: A3 (420 mm x 297 mm)

Paper: Woodstock weight 225g with 80% recycled fibers and 20% pure pulp fibers without elemental chlorine and an interesting structure. FSC of course. It does not shrink, the color does not fade for at least 50 years. Supplier: Fedrigoni.

Packaging: In a cardboard box. The frame with the passpart is not part of the package.

Upcycling program: Don't have anything to do with the box? Carefully unpack the Poustr and bring it to us at the next event and we will use it again. As a reward, you will receive one of the sold-out prints in reduced A5 format. And that's completely free. Follow our social networks for more info.

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