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Exercise book for discovering personal vision
Sale price12 €

Get ready for an honest conversation with your own self. A series of exercises and questions for getting to know yourself better await you in Vizionár.

Delivery by courier within 48 hours or with personal collection at the Brot Books Deli bookstore

Visionary Sale price12 €

Products completely without plastics

Compared to the previous version, we dug up the material list from the ground up so that the Journal is 100% recyclable.

We chose the prestigious Savile Row paper, named after the iconic London street, as the packaging material.

It is created by upcycling textile materials and is a tribute to the craftsmanship that defines us.

Pre koho je určený?

- Pre každého, kto chce lepšie pochopiť svoje vnútorné motivácie a hodnoty.
- Pre ľudí, ktorí hľadajú jasný smer v osobnom alebo pracovnom živote.
- Pre tých, ktorí chcú prepojiť svoju vášeň, talent a poslanie do zmysluplnej vízie.
- Pre všetkých, ktorí sa chcú rozvíjať a vedome formovať svoju budúcnosť.

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